Some doubts about the game!

General discussions about the 1st version of Tennis Elbow Manager

Some doubts about the game!

Postby bigu30 » 23 Aug 2017, 15:29

I have some doubts about the gameplay of TEM:

1) Why is so easy to get a break point, but is very difficult to confirm? It's so strange to see, in hard court, a game where one player had 1 of 11 conversions of break points and the adversary, 0 of 27. Each match I follow have 8, 10, 15 break points!! Virtually each game have a break point, but almost anyone confirm it. I understand that is difficult to confirm, but why is so easy to have it?

2) I like to couch two players since the begin, to create a rivality between them, that I export from TE13, but I saw that the second one is always very weak. I can't surpass the half of his general stats, standing between 45% and 55%. Because this, I can play with him only futures and weak challengers. Why this difference? We have some restriction with couch two players?

Thanks for the opportunity!!
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Re: Some doubts about the game!

Postby manutoo » 25 Aug 2017, 10:43


1) It's because the game points are simulated from the game result, so it's mostly calculations weighting the strength of the server and the returner, and it wasn't perfectly tuned. I just tuned it a bit more, so it should have noticeably less break points when the server wins his game. It'll be there for TEM2 and next TEM update.

2) It's because high Potentials are set only for the 1st human player you coach ; I'll try to fix that for next TE2013 + TEM update (you'll have to start a new game to make it work)
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