Criteria for a Blowout/Rollover Win?

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Criteria for a Blowout/Rollover Win?

Postby Volleyguy » 05 Jul 2022, 05:29

What do you consider a blowout win - I've heard it called a rollover?

Are they different things?

Some criteria I have considered:

Loser doesn't win enough games to win a set - 6 in best of 3, maybe 9 games in best of 5.

Straight sets in under 40 minutes (3 sets) or under an hour (best of 5 sets.)

2+ breaks per set - 2-0 or more, no breaks for the rollover winner.

Maybe a blowout is the loser didn't win 6 (best of 3) or 9 total games. In a rollover, under 20 minutes per set, straight sets, loser never broke, loser didn't win 2 games per set.

Any ideas? One or more of these criteria, or do you have different criteria?
court stakhanovite
court stakhanovite
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